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Online Security

Keep yourself safe when you're online

Learn More about how Elements Helps Protect You

Online Security

Elements Helps Protect You

财务工作确保您的财务信息保持安全可靠, but internet security requires more than technology alone. Ultimately, when dealing with viruses, spyware, and computer hackers, each of us is responsible for protecting our own computer system.


Protecting Your Information

Here at Elements, 我们尽我们所能保护您的个人信息,并为您提供可靠的在线体验. 然而,我们依赖你采取进一步的预防措施,以确保您的帐户的安全. By following our tips, 哪个赌钱app比较好和我们的手机应用程序可以是一个安全有效的方法,满足您所有的银行需求.

General Guidelines

  • Make sure your operating system and antivirus software are up-to-date.
  • Always use secure wireless (WiFi) networks that require a login ID and password.
  • Never leave your computer unattended while using online banking.
  • Monitor your recent account history for unauthorized transactions.
  • Always log off of online banking when you're finished and close the browser.

Login ID and Password

  • Create strong passwords by using a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Do not create passwords containing your initials or birthday.
  • Change your passwords periodically.
  • Memorize your passwords instead of writing them down.
  • 只注册个人设备,避免使用保存登录id和密码的功能.

Fraud Prevention

  • Do not open email attachments or click on links from unsolicited sources.
  • Avoid giving out personal information on the phone or through email.
  • Shred unwanted sensitive documents including receipts, checks, deposit slips, pre-approved credit card offers, and expired cards.
  • Act quickly. 如果您怀疑您的财务信息被泄露,请立即拨打或免费拨打 .

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Username Tips

The Importance of Creating a Strong Online Username

Elements is committed to keeping your financial information safe and secure, therefore, it is recommended that you add complexity to your online banking User ID. Your User ID is the key to your Elements online identity, so it's just as important to create usernames that are as strong as a password. 为了确保您遵循良好的安全规范,请花点时间阅读下面的提示.

Tips on Creating a Strong Username

  • Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, 以及非明显排列中的特殊字符——最终它们不应该是复杂的, but also should not be a simple name, phone number, account number or social security number 
  • 创建一个用户名,让你容易记住,但让别人很难猜到
  • 使用不同的用户名为个人在线帐户,使黑客更难获取信息
  • Never use a Social Security Number as a username. Social Security Numbers may be hard to guess and easy to remember, 但它们可能会给恶意黑客提供令人垂涎的个人信息,从而被利用
  • 永远不要向他人透露你的用户名,也不要将你的用户名保存在纸上或未加密的电脑文件中
  • Never provide your online banking User ID if requested through email. Elements will never ask you to supply your personal information.

Password Tips

选择一个安全的密码是保持您的在线元素帐户安全的关键. If you have a relatively simple password, other individuals may be able to access your account through a series of guesses. In order to prevent this from happening, you should select a password that includes a combination of numbers, letters, and words. 避免使用简单的词语或任何其他人可以轻易获得的信息, including your name, your spouse's name, your pet's name, birthdays, hobbies, or any part of your User ID or email address.

  • Use passwords that are unique for different sites. Hackers who steal passwords will try to use them on other sites.
  • A strong password will be at least 10 characters long
  • 如果你创建密码的网站允许,在密码中使用空格. Spaces make passwords harder to crack.
  • Instead of a password, use a passphrase with a space, and keep it visual. For example, pigs 2 Bark! would be a great passphrase that meets all of those suggestions.

Elements Secure Information

In our fast-paced world, effective communication is a must; that’s why email has become so important. However, 传统的电子邮件可能并不总是发送或接收敏感信息的最安全的方式. 考虑到这一点,Elements Financial为您提供了几种安全地与我们通信的方式.

Secure Messages within Online Banking

Just log into online banking or your mobile app to send us a secure question or message. An Elements representative will send you a reply within 1 business day.

Send a Secure Email with Zix

You can send Elements a Secure Email with Zix from our Contact Us page. You will need to register with an email address and password. You can then log in to our safe environment to send new messages, and to review and reply to messages you have received from Elements.

What is a fraudulent email and how do I recognize one?

A fraudulent (a.k.a. spoofing, imposter, 或钓鱼)电子邮件是伪造的,所以它看起来像一个合法的电子邮件从一个特定的组织. Its goal? 通常是骗你提供敏感的个人信息,以用于身份盗窃.

It's often hard to detect a fraudulent email. 这是因为发件人的电子邮件地址通常看起来是真实的,就像设计和图形一样. But there are signs to be aware of. For example, 欺诈性电子邮件通常试图通过以下两种方式获取你的个人信息:

  • By luring you into providing personal information on the spot (e.g., by replying to the email).
  • By including links to a site that tries to get you to disclose personal data.

If you are ever unsure about an email you have received from Elements, 不要犹豫致电我们或通过我们的安全方法之一,以验证电子邮件是合法的.

How can I be sure I'm interacting with Elements Financial and not an imposter?

You can tell that you're dealing with Elements because:

  • Elements representatives will never send you an email asking for your passwords, credit card numbers, or other sensitive information.
  • 如果我们向您请求信息,我们总是使用链接将您引导回Elements站点.
  • If you use a link in an email you receive from Elements, 你可以通过在浏览器的地址/位置区域中比较站点的地址来确保你在一个元素页面上——它会有元素.org in the address of the site.
  • If you are talking to us on the phone, 我们将验证您的身份与您提供的安全字,当您建立您的帐户.

要判断一封邮件是否真的来自Elements,您需要查看URL所指向的站点. Here's how to do so with HTML and text-based emails:

  • HTML-based email. In HTML emails (with graphics), to view the destination URL, position your cursor over the link or button; the URL should appear in your email program's status bar at the bottom of the window. However, spoof URLs are intentionally long, so only the first part is usually visible in the status bar. It might look genuine, but it's not a guarantee of where you'll end up. 因此,您需要查看整个URL并去那里以确保它确实是一个Elements站点.
  • Text-based emails. 基于文本的电子邮件也倾向于包含很长的url,你点击它就可以进入一个网站. However, the URL may not represent the true destination.


Position your mouse over the link and right click. Select Copy. Paste the URL into Notepad (or any text editor). When you arrive at the site, 双击挂锁图标,确保它是一个以元素结尾的

Paste the URL into your browser. When you arrive at the site, 双击挂锁图标,确保它是一个以元素结尾的


Elements takes numerous steps to keep your accounts and personal information secure, but you also play a role in maintaining the security of your banking information. Here's what you can do:

  • Change your password regularly — It's important to change your password regularly, 登录哪个赌钱app比较好或手机应用程序后,点击“设置”,然后点击“登录首选项”,就可以轻松做到这一点.
  • Memorize your password — Your online password authenticates you when you begin an online banking session. 你应该记住这个密码,不要把它写在任何地方或泄露给任何人.
  • Remember to log off — You may not always be at your own computer when you bank online. Therefore, it's important to log off when you're finished banking. 如果您忘记这样做,Elements会在您不活动10分钟后自动注销.
  • Use your browser's built-in security features — We recommend that you use the built-in security features that browsers provide. 选择某些安全设置和选项将有助于保护您的帐户和个人信息的隐私.

Is submitting forms online safe?

Information you provide via electronic forms on our website is secure and encrypted. In other words, it is scrambled en route and decoded once it reaches Elements. 您可以通过在浏览器中寻找绿色条来检查您的网络会话是否安全. 当前主流网络浏览器的版本表明网页何时通过该符号进行加密传输. 你也可以在你的网页浏览器中寻找字母“http://”在你的网站URL的开头. The "s" means that the web connection is secure.

How do I send you questions securely when I'm online?

最好是发送我们的问题和意见与信息,从哪个赌钱app比较好或移动应用程序. The security on your online banking account is very robust. This would be the best way to send messages that are secure in nature.

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